
about our prayer ministry

The mission of CCV’s Prayer Ministry is seeking the guidance and power of God's Spirit for healing, spiritual growth and freedom in Christ.

We believe God made people to live freely, in right relationship with Him.
(2 Corinthians 3:17-18)  Though many people are broken & bound by sin, through prayer all of us can experience greater healing and freedom in Christ.  This is the ministry focus of CCV's Prayer Ministry team, led by Lela Vandenberg & Gretel Miller.

Through our prayers, Jesus ministers to people in many ways.  He may provide emotional healing, spiritual healing and salvation, physical healing, relational healing, deliverance from demonic oppression, or a personal revelation of truth.  (James 5:13-16)  In response to our requests, he promises to replace our anxiety and surround us with his peace. (Philippians 4:6-7)

In the Vineyard, we value and practice personal prayer ministry.  This simply means we aim to pray with and for each other whenever the need or opportunity arises.  Many of us are willing at almost any time to ask, "Can I pray for you right now?".  When we hear someone share with us a matter of personal concern or need, we aim to pray with them and for them right then and there.  

Prayer ministry of this type typically begins with submitting to God by asking the Holy Spirit to guide, protect and empower our prayers.   This leads to conversation, focusing on what the need is and what feelings are being experienced by the person receiving prayer.  As we listen to a person share their struggles, we also listen for the Spirit of God to reveal things and to lead.  We look for false beliefs that may be blocking a person’s relationship with the Lord.  Then we ask for God’s truth to be shown, and invite God to speak what he wants us to hear.  A natural result of this is often confession and/or forgiveness, and a tangible sense of God’s loving presence.  As this description indicates, we believe God speaks to people very personally through the still small voice of the Holy Spirit.  When he does this, it is always consistent with what He's spoken once and for all in Scripture, but it's more personal and directed to people's specific needs.

Anybody can pray, either by themself or in a small group of fellow believers, for the concerns on their heart and mind.  Yet, to effectively minister to others in prayer often takes some training, practice and experience.  Involvement in this aspect of prayer ministry requires availability, both on Sunday mornings and for some appointments during the week, to pray for others who have needs.    If you’d like to join our team of people who love to pray for others, consider attending our Prayer Ministry Training Seminar as a first step.  Then you can look for ways to practice using the seven simple little words, “Can I pray for you right now?”

If you'd like to receive prayer ministry for any particular need in your life, members of our Prayer Ministry team are available after our worship gatherings on Sunday mornings, or by appointment to meet with you during the week.  To arrange a Prayer Ministry appointment, please contact our church office. You can also contact us using the "Submit a Prayer Request" Link below for a specific prayer need to go out via email to our Prayer Chain.

Any concern too small to be turned into a prayer is too small to be made into a burden.
— Corrie Ten Boom