for the week of November 13th - 19th

Youth Group, Tonight!

“Fearless” Youth Group, open to students grade 6 – 12, has begun!  The next meeting is tonight, 6:00pm, at the CCV Ministry Center. Be sure to watch our calendar insert closely, as meeting places vary.


Thanksgiving Offering

Please pray and plan for how to give to our annual CCV Thanksgiving Offering.  We intend to give this years’ special offering to three great missional causes:  Some money will be used to replenish our CCV Benevolence Fund for helping needy people in the Greater Lansing Community, some will be dedicated to blessing other churches in our Mid-Michigan Region and some will be passed along to the Church Camp in Ukraine where we hope to send a short term team again next summer.  Be encouraged to give generously as an expression of your gratitude for the fullness of God’s provision! 


“Deck The Halls” Party

Join us on Sunday afternoon, November 27th (Thanksgiving Weekend), for our annual CCV Deck The Halls Party from 1-4pm.  This is our chance to dress up the CCV Ministry Center for the Christmas Season.  As the Proverb goes, “Many hands make light work!”, so all willing volunteers are welcome to help.  Lunch will be provided for those who stay to lend a hand.


Monthly Prayer Focus:  Evangelism Ministry

Please pray this month for our CCV Evangelism Ministry.  Pray for good fruit from our weekly “Street Pastors” outreach at MSU on Saturday nights.  Pray for other divine appointments with people who are receptive to the gospel, and that we would be ready to invite and include those whom God is drawing in.  Finally, pray that all of us would commit to the work of evangelism in the Spirit of 1 Peter 3:15:  "Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have."