for the week of January 15th - 21st

Bottle Drive

Beginning today we are participating in the annual bottle drive to collect donations for Crisis Pregnancy. Grab a bottle or two from the display table in the café & fill it up with change. We will collect the bottles the end of January.


7 Days of Breakthrough Prayer & Fasting

Consider beginning 2017 by joining with us in 7 days of Breakthrough Prayer & Fasting. We are looking for 7 people each day to commit to fasting & prayer, January 22nd -January 28th. Please see the sign-up sheet at the Welcome Station.


“Fire By Night” Worship Gathering

Make plans to join us Sunday, January 29th, at 6pm as we press into God’s presence with an extended time of worship and prayer ministry.  This Fire-By-Night will be hosted by Kingdom Ministries, located at:                           3000 W. Miller Rd., Lansing.


Monthly Prayer Focus:  Worship Ministry

Please pray this month for our Worship Ministry, under the leadership of Deej Johnson.   Pray for God’s leading as we figure out how to lead this ministry in 2017, that God is glorified, and that through worship people would become more passionate for their desire to live for Him.