"Fearless" Youth Group
Game night at CCV, 6:00pm tonight. Bring a snack to share and your favorite board or card game. "Get Youth Group text alerts on your phone! Text @22d3a to 81010"
We will be having baptisms on Easter Sunday. If you are interested in being baptized, please fill out the sign-up sheet at the welcome station with your name and e-mail. If you want to be baptized but cannot make it work on Easter, never fear, we will offer baptisms again this coming summer.
Dinner & A Show – LAST CALL!
April 1st, shows at 1:00 & 7:00pm. Dinner from 4:30-6:30pm. Sign up at the Welcome Station. As always, tickets go fast, so buy yours soon at hpami.thundertix.com/events.
Save the Date
Our next Fire-By-Night worship gathering is scheduled for April 30th.
Ukrainian Mission Trip
The trip has 3 teams leaving at various times in June, to help with the camps that run July 2st – 25th. If anyone is interested in finding out more about the trip, speak with Haley Fedewa. If you would like to support the mission team, you can donate to CCV's mission department, just note “Ukraine Missions” in the memo line of your check made out to CCV. The total cost for each person is about $1400. Pray and see if God is calling You!
Monthly Prayer Focus: Prayer Ministry
Please pray this month for our Prayer Ministry, under the leadership of Kent Miller. Pray, this week, that we be one with Christ in our praying.