Youth Group
Mystery Dinner tonight, 6pm, at the CCV Ministry Center. If you have not RSVP’d, but would like to come, please see Marla Rigas, this morning!
I Love My City Event
Mark your calendar for next weekend, April 29-30, when the COGL network is preparing to storm greater Lansing with an outpouring of love and service in the name of Jesus. Various opportunities to serve are posted on the website, or you can join others from CCV and Epicenter of Worship in a special project being planned for Saturday morning instead of Sunday afternoon.
Fire By Night Worship Gathering
Join us next Sunday, April 30, at Kingdom Ministries Center for our Fire By Night Community Worship Gathering. Kingdom Ministries Center is located at: 3000 W. Miller Rd., Lansing. These meetings have become a powerful expression of the united body of Christ in greater Lansing, and a powerful way to spend some extra time in the presence of God. We’d love to see you there!
National Day of Prayer Observance
Join others from around our state on the Capitol Steps for the National Day of Prayer, Thursday, May 4th. Event begins at 11:00am.
Ukraine Mission Trip
The trip has 3 teams leaving at various times in June, to help with the camps that run July 2nd – 25th. If anyone is interested in finding out more about the trip, speak with Haley Fedewa. If you would like to support the mission team you can donate to CCV's mission department, just note “Ukraine Missions” in the memo line of your check made out to CCV. The total cost for each person is about $1400. Pray and see if God is calling You!