for the week of March 12th - 18th

Fearless Youth Group

Youth group will be meeting at 6:00pm tonight, location to be decided.  "Get Youth Group text alerts on your phone! Text @22d3a to 81010"



We will be having baptisms on Easter Sunday. If you are interested in being baptized, please fill out the sign-up sheet at the welcome station with your name and e-mail. If you want to be baptized but cannot make it work on Easter, never fear, we will offer baptisms again this coming summer.


Dinner & A Show

April 1st, shows at 1:00 & 7:00pm. Dinner from 4:30-6:30pm. Sign up at the Welcome Station. As always, tickets go fast, so buy yours soon at


Save the Date

Our next Fire-By-Night worship gathering is scheduled for April 30th.


Monthly Prayer Focus:  Prayer Ministry

Please pray this month for our Prayer Ministry, under the leadership of Kent Miller.  Pray, this week, that we would hear God in our praying.