Lent Devotional
Pastor Kevin recommends, to anyone interested, reading through Mark Batterson’s, Draw the Circle – The 40 Day Prayer Challenge, for the 40 days of Lent. You can find the book for $10.00 on Amazon or by following the link: www.ccvine.org/circlebook. It is not too late to participate. If you are interested in buying a book through CCV instead of online, stop by the Welcome Station for availability. Checks can be made out to CCV, with “Draw the Circle” in the memo line.
Fearless Youth Group
Youth group will not be meeting tonight, due to the concert in Flint. Get Youth Group text alerts on your phone. Send “@22d3a” to 81010
Almost Time to “Spring Forward”
Daylight Savings time change is next Sunday, March 12th. Remember to set your clocks forward one hour on Saturday night.
Dinner & A Show
April 1st, shows at 1:00 & 7:00pm. Dinner from 4:30-6:30pm. Sign up at the Welcome Station. As always, tickets go fast, so buy yours soon at hpami.thundertix.com/events.
We will be having baptisms on Easter Sunday. If you are interested in being baptized, please watch for the sign-up sheet in the next couple weeks or talk to Pastor Kevin or Beki Burns. If you want to be baptized but cannot make it work on Easter, never fear, we will offer baptisms again this coming summer.
Monthly Prayer Focus: Prayer Ministry
Please pray this month for our Prayer Ministry, under the leadership of Kent Miller. Pray, this week, that we would persevere in our praying.